HELLO!!! Welcome to my new web site. I hope that you will bookmark this page and come back again and again to see what’s going on in my world!
I will have all sorts of cool stuff here including free music downloads, video messages, downloadable video lessons, all sorts of cool resources and anything else I can think of to give away! Also, if there is anything you would like to see on here, please let me know and I will try my best to facilitate your request!
I am just in the process of getting a welcome video together so stay tuned for that. Take some time and sign up for my newsletter and I’ll reward you with a couple of free music downloads.
Thanks again for visiting and I will talk to you real soon!
The site is looking good Randy. “She Says” was always my favourite song of yours, ever since I heard you play it that time on Mike’s sailboat. All the best for the future… I’ll keep my eye out for Toronto dates 🙂
I love the look of your new site! very cool.